Each day at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, our Digital Carillon plays beautiful music. It is out hope that this brings Joy and comfort to the community of Ardsley. This was given as a memorial gift and that memory continues each day it sounds!
Our Robert Rowland Pipe Organ sounding entirely of pipes is a highlight of our worship. Our organist, Mr. Ed Wallace plays each Sunday rousing preludes and postlues along with other pieces from this instrument that fills the room. Come and experience the beauty of the organ here at Ardsley United Methodist Church! As this is an older instrument, there are repairs needed, and your support is greatly appreciated financially for this task.
Our Mason & Hamlin Baby Grand Piano is a beautiful sounding instrument. This piano combined with the tremendous acoustics in the Sanctuary provide the perfect sound from this instrument which was given as a memorial gift and that memory lives on to this day!
This Sunday, March 23rd 2025, we will be joining our sister church in Dobbs Ferry for a joint service. Please join us at Aldersgate UMC, 600 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY @ 10 a.m.